Branching Out for Spring

Kayli Quirk

Although I’m writing this to bring in the spring, it’s raining, slightly freezing, and there are no blue skies in sight. Spring semester has begun, and with it brings new classes, professors, and opportunities. There are opportunities to make new friends, get involved with different organizations, or to turn over a new leaf. One thing I love about the spring semester is I come back from a long Christmas break feeling refreshed and like I can take on whatever spring has to offer. Maybe your fall semester ended a bit rocky, or you didn’t have the free time you wished for. Bring in 2016 by branching out with a vibrant outlook.

If you are looking to get involved on campus, whether it be an academic organization, or sports organization, a great way to find these groups is to check out My Involvement. Here you will find organizations including the Spanish Club, the Film Club GSU, or Public Relations Student Society of America. If you are an energetic, adrenaline junky you can find organizations such as the Mixed Martial Arts Club, Forte Step Team, or the Climbing Club. If you’re interested in any of the organizations listed, which are all open to the student body at Georgia Southern, email a member of that organization, or check out a meeting. Joining a club is a great resource for your college career. One can put his or her experience with a club on their resume for graduate school programs, as well as a future job. Organizations that are well established can open doors to internships, experience, and possibly a future profession. Frankly, any involvement at Georgia Southern can give a student a step up. Check out your Georgia Southern account today for other opportunities!

This semester could be rougher than your last. It’s a new set of professors, new classmates, harder material to be covered. It seems like I was just getting comfortable last semester. I knew the people in my class fairly well. I had an established relationship with my professors, and I had mastered my material; but that just means I was ready for the next semester. Read your syllabus carefully. Knowing what lies ahead and preparing for it helps tremendously, and keeps that ugly monster called procrastination away.  Topics that sound challenging probably are. Ask your professor about tutoring information or find out if there are sessions in the class building. You may have to travel to Cone Hall which is across from Sanford and Sweetheart Circle. There is nothing wrong with attending these sessions, the hardest part is actually going. Set an alarm on your phone, jot down the times for tutoring. I attend tutoring for Spanish because it’s a challenge, and I want to know how to practice it fluently. Make sure you attend class; they say treat your classes like it’s your job. Making a habit of going to class keeps your mind fresh for your school work. Lastly, check out this blog post from The Huffington Post, written by Cristina Lara who graduated from Cornell University and is a HR Program Manager at Cisco. In her post she mentions nine successful tips for a promising semester. She gives advice on connecting with professors, an article about brain-boosting foods, and reminds us to count our lucky stars. Remember spring break is March 14 and you want to relax with ease. So don’t forget to branch out for the spring semester, good luck all my fellow eagles!